[Sussex] RE: Copywrite and the Old Woman ...

Geoffrey Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Thu Jul 14 12:51:27 UTC 2005

On Thursday 14 July 2005 13:24, John D. wrote:
---- %< ----
> - the only other devices that seem to do that
> are the Cowon iAUDIO X5 series, which seem to quite hard to get hold of
> and very expensive (£250 to £300 depending on battery and hard drive
> size - though the extended battery and 30 gig hard drive model is the
> £300 one. Versus the £130 that I've paid to comet - it should arrive on
> saturday).

The Cowon kit is actually really good (and Cowon support Linux directly).  The 
model you mention is no longer available because it's been superceded by a 
thing with a screen (forget the model number).

--- %< --- 
Geoffrey Teale
Cmed Research  //  Free Software Foundation

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