[Sussex] Google mail

Nik Butler nik at reducedhackers.com
Tue Aug 8 12:41:14 UTC 2006

Andrew Guard wrote:
> Well we have started to issue google mail account for free at bcf.  
> All we ask is for there First/Last name and there current e-mail 
> address so we can get google mail to invite them to there service.
Oh Ive just found the above.

Andrew Can we not do this please. Its a great idea but I would rather 
people came to us directly or via their own email  accounts. By all 
means privately and individually create and pass invites, just not as 
part of the BCF table routine since youve not shown that you have 
permission from Google [1] to do this for Sussex Linux User Group and 
its important that we dont open cans of worms through good intentions. 

[1] I know Google invites are pretty open but I just dont know that 
Google know we are promoting their services. Sine we are promoting them 
its only polite to let them know and ensure we follow their requriements.

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