[Sussex] Things that make you roll with tears of laughter.

Nicholas Butler - Reduced Hackers Ltd nik at reducedhackers.com
Tue Feb 21 17:44:20 UTC 2006

I just bought one of those £299.00 ( vat and delivery included ) Dell 
inspiron 1300s. I figured it was a nice little robust simple work 
machine for slogging round to offices with . So anyway I get online to 
order direct and the sales guy has the nerve to suggest that the 256mb 
of ram in the machine will mean that my surfing of the internet will be 
slow because the pages will load much slower and that I should upgrade 
to 512mb .

Now okay I can accept more memory is great. However there £70 upgrade to 
512mb is laughable compared to the costs at crucial of the same amount ( 
£35 for 512 ) .

So I recorded the conversation for the giggles and shits of it and 
thought Id share this offer and experience of it .


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