[Sussex] Laptop sound

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Wed Mar 15 00:30:19 UTC 2006

Hi all,

The old Toshiba Satellite Pro 430CDS that I was given is now working
nicely & running Debian Woody with the winning combination of Icewm &
dfm on the desktop.

I even splashed out on a new power battery for it & can now take it out
in public (needs a couple of Linux/Penguin/Debian type stickers to look
right, though).

I have XMMS installed & hope to be able to listen to the occasional CD
through headphones, but there are a couple of problems:

Sound is working, but playing an mp3 file from the HDD results in a few
seconds of music followed by slowness & stuttering thereafter. I have
noticed that this is related to the size of the buffer, but different
settings only delay the problem & don't eliminate it. I tried
downsampling in XMMS & that worked, but it would be nice not to have to
do that if possible. (NB: This is on a machine with the luxurious spec
of P120 MHz, 48 MB EDORAM & 1.3GB HD, so I'm aware that not all things
may be possible).

Second problem is that I can't get audio CDs to play or mount, although
data CDs are fine.

I'm sure I had this problem on a PC ages ago, but I can't remember how I
solved it. It was either to do with altering the persimmons of the
/dev/cdrom symlink or changing a setting in /etc/fstab.

As data CDs work, I imagine that it's more to do with /etc/fstab...

TIA for any help,


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