[Wolves] the old cruel core (again!!)

David Goodwin david at codepoets.co.uk
Tue Jul 5 07:03:59 BST 2005

> Well I mean to people who are used to m$. Well then again, no gui and the 
> whole of linux can be cruel. Config files in etc. like configuring a basic 
> ftp server (with security). NAT, also. don't work out of of the box. no gui 
> to set it up. They shitty system-config-packages gui <--- what was red hat 
> thinking? No dvd support. No hints on third party repos for yellow dog update 
> modifier commad. Having to configure the yum.conf  Just to get mp3 support.
> An ugly boot screen..........OK maybe not this one.No browser plugins setup 
> when installed, flash java, etc.

I didn't realise windows came with these plugins installed?

> First time setting up java browser plugin 
> manually for someone who comes from an M$ environment I imagine would be 
> quite a task. My mother couldn't do it. to be honest it would take her 2 
> weeks with a step by step walkthrough...
> oh and no compiling CUPS support for kde print.

I totally admit we're not there yet, but then again most people wouldn't 
be able to reinstall a Windows computer anyway (I know my mother 
definately couldn't).


David Goodwin

[ david at codepoets dot co dot uk ]
[ http://www.codepoets.co.uk       ]

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