[Wolves] Encyclopaedia on linux

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Tue Apr 18 09:47:47 BST 2006

> > If you are prepared to use wikipaedia, then be aware that the
> > information is downloadable, so it will work offline. I have zbedic on
> > my PDA with all of the wikipaedia in it; I don't know, though, whether
> > there's an offline browser for it for PCs.
> Out of interest - how big is the data store for that and how does the
> PDA store it?

See http://bedic.sourceforge.net/ for all the information about
zbedic. It's about half a gig in size, which is some not bad


<Cl0ckwork> i hate it when explorer crashes, losing my system tray,
and irc is minized to it
<slick> I hate when I kick a dog and then the owner see's me and I
have to kill him

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