[Wolves] EEE PC

ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Thu Feb 21 12:54:38 GMT 2008

On 21/02/2008, Kris Douglas <webbox.uk at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's my birthday on the 5th March, and I want an EEE, bit i have been
>  told that the month after the one with the larger screen may be
>  appearing, but i'm considering just getting a larger one, like an
>  8gig, with a 4gb high capacity SD card. But when do the 8gb's come out
>  in the uk? D'ya think i should just get a 4gb one and a 4gb SD?

Has anyone got one of the mythical 16GB SD cards I've seen talked
about on forums and I think Linux Action show mentioned them.


Dick Turpin

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