[Autistic] Premature delurking

Camilla Berglund camilla.berglund at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 00:51:08 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

sparkes wrote:
> PS, welcome to all the new members who have signed up over the last
> few days, quiet lot aren't you ;-)

I prefer to lurk for a while on new lists, to get some sense of its
culture. I don't know how far I should stray from *nix in a
presentation, but here goes then.

I'm elmindreda. In the world of computers I'm mostly a graphics and Unix
programmer, while on the autism side I blog and write a bit. I worked in
the game industry for a while and also as a research engineer with
distributed VR systems, but working took its toll and I'm not sure if or
when I'll be able to do so again.

My laptops all run Debian (but occasionally dual-boot into XP or OS X
for cross-platform development), and my servers run various flavours of
BSD, although I tend towards FreeBSD when available.

I'm a member of a distributed hosting service / virtual computer club
and host a number of services. It's giving me a great opportunity to
learn about Unix systems administration, but I'm still just a beginner.

I'm trying to take my first steps towards contributing to Debian via the
Debian Women project, but I haven't started yet. I do recommend DW to
anyone with a similar interest, however, regardless of gender.

I also work on and maintain various (mostly graphics-related) Open
Source projects, but none of them are very well-known. It's a lot of
fun, though.

- --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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