[Bassetlug mailing] BassetLUG

daniel at white-uk.net daniel at white-uk.net
Thu Nov 5 09:53:33 UTC 2009

   Hi Mark,

   I'm hoping to be there tomorrow but I wouldn't really like to act  
as the 'main host' because I'd feel like a bit of a fraud because I'm  
not currently "Living without Windows" and don't have the greatest  
experience with the apps you have mentioned. I am, however, interested  
in other people's experiences without Windows to help me wean myself  
off it completely!



   Quoting Rev Mark Pengelly <minister at thecrossing.co.uk>:

> Hello BassetLUG
> Tomorrow night is our next meeting. Can anyone confirm they will definitely
> be there please, as it's possible I may not make it...
> Richard Peake, the Friday night  volunteer on The Crossing's welcome desk
> will ensure you have access to the room, and if needed I can take my hub
> down so that you can have cat5 access etc. Would anyone be willling to act
> as 'mein host' in case anyone new turns up?
> I was going to suggest an evening along the lines of 'how to live without
> windows' bearing in mind a growing number of people making that transition
> (looking at 'essentials' like openoffice, gimp, imagemagick Xsane etc etc),
> but as I may not get there I'll leave the content to those who do turn up.
> Thanks all,
> Mark
> --
> Mark Pengelly
> Worksop
> Notts.
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