[Beds] Re: Supporting Free Software
Neil Darlow
neil at darlow.co.uk
Thu Oct 17 09:21:01 2002
On Thursday 17 Oct 2002 08:43, Tom Chance wrote:
> I wonder what this means for UKLinux, which gives exactly the same kind of
> service, with the same benefits to Free Software, and employed/employs
> Jason Clifford... I can't find any details on either web site to suggest a
> merge. hrm.
UKFSN.ORG has been created by Jason Clifford following his departure from
UKLinux. The chief reason for him leaving was that he was unhappy that UKLinux
had not returned any of their profits to the free software community despite
their claim of doing so.
His intention is to do this, with openly published accounts, via UKFSN.ORG.
How UKLinux will function after his departure is not known.
Neil Darlow M.Sc.
Open Standards/Free Software Consultants http://www.darlow.co.uk/
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