[Beds] Re: Thank you

Alan James alan at tomun.org
Fri Jan 24 19:12:02 2003

On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 06:47:02PM +0000, David Pashley wrote:

> Well normally if I don't have the key, I get a message saying something like 
> unable to verify. However the mail from Fred said Bad signature. Oh and I'm 
> unable to find a copy of the key.

Shove this in your .gnupg/options file:

keyserver hkp://pgp.uk.demon.net
keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve

That'll grab unknown keys from the specified server when you need them.

Unfortunately it wont get hushmail keys, you have to jump through some hoops
to get those:


"Of course it didn't help matters much that he kept pestering several
 female guests to show the continuously unfolding manifestation their
 sweater puppies."