[Beds] Greetings and Salutations

Matthew Erasmus matt at di1bert.za.net
Thu Mar 6 17:04:01 2003

Greetings All

Well firstly I would like to introduce myself. 
My name is Matthew Erasmus, I am 22 years old and I use Gentoo Linux.
I am currently looking for work (anything will do at the moment) and in the mean
time I would like to offer my services to anyone that might need a Junior Linux
Systems / Network Administrator and perhaps even a _very_ junior C programmer.

Other than that I look forward to attending the first meeting as I found myself
a little lacking since leaving my old LUG back in South Africa.

Feel free to drop me an email for a chat or anything else of the sort as I don't
know anyone here in the UK and am interested in meeting people.

Kind Regards

Matthew Erasmus
Linux Geek / Gentoo Minion 

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