[Beds] Jobs this easter
Tom Chance
tomchance at gmx.net
Sun Mar 16 14:51:01 2003
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This list is going to become little more than a job service at this rate, so
apologies for this post!
I've just started a 6 week University holiday (15th March - 28th April), which
I certainly won't fill entirely with revision, so I'm looking for some work,
perhaps part time, or perhaps full time for a week or two. I'm a competent
GNU/Linux user with some admin experience. I can code in Perl and
Python, and I've hacked about with PHP a little. I'd be happy to do a little
work for anybody who is offering in the Bedford area!
I've attached my CV if anyone wants a handyman for a bit. Thanks again
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{\info {\title CURRICULUM VITAE}{\author J.S Chance}{\operator J.S Chance}}\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1800\margr1800\margt1440\margb1440\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\formshade \fet0\sectd
\pard {\cf1{\fs22\b\f1 CURRICULUM VITAE\b0}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 NAME: }}{\cf1{\fs20\f3 Tom Chance}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 DATE OF BIRTH: }}{\cf1{\fs20\f3 14/05/1983}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 TELEPHONE NUMBER:}}{\cf1{\fs20\f3 07752942634}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 ADDRESS:}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 1 Bradgate Road,}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Bedford,}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 MK40 3DE}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 EDUCATION: }}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Bracken Leas Primary 1988-1990}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Winchester House Preparatory School 1990-1993}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Bedford School 1993-2001}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 University of Reading, 2002-Present}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 QUALIFICATIONS:}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 A-LEVELS 2001:}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Physics\tab \tab A}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Geography\tab A}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Mathematics\tab C}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 General Studies\tab B}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 GCSE\rquote s 1999:}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 English Literature\tab \tab A*}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Mathematics\tab \tab A*}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 French\tab \tab \tab A*}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Geography\tab \tab A*}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Religious Education\tab A*}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 English Language\tab \tab A}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Physics\tab \tab \tab A}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Chemistry\tab \tab B}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Biology\tab \tab \tab B}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 History\tab \tab \tab B}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 DT (Electronics)\tab \tab B}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 HIGHER:}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 BA Philosophy and Politics (studying)}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 PITMAN TRAINING COURSES:}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Microsoft Office Proficient and Expert (Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint) \endash Distinction}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Web Design (HTML, Frontpage, Dreamweaver Photoshop) - Distinction}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f2 WORK EXPERIENCE:}}{\cf1{\fs20\f3 Assitant Technician, Sept 1999 - May 2001, Bedford School.This involved basic technician work - maintaining computers, installing software, and testing new products.}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 IT Training Supervisor, Sept 2001 \endash Dec 2001, Pitman Training Centre, St.Albans.This entailed meeting and greeting clients, helping clients with their training in computer software, fixing and maintaining the computer equipment, doing office admin work, implementing a new admin database solution using MySQL and the Apache Web Server, and writing several courses (Introduction to Windows, Introduction to Web Design, Advanced Web Design).}}
\pard {\cf1{\fs20\f3 Voluntary programming / writing on http://www.tomchance.uklinux.net}}}}