[Beds] June 2005 Meeting

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Wed Jun 8 19:47:12 BST 2005

Hi All,

Apologies for the late notification of this month's meeting.

Unfortunately a combination of heavy cold and hayfever will prevent me from 
attending this month. Please feel free to continue on my absence but inform 
other members whether you will be attending (so nobody has to go solo).

If there's insufficient interest for the Pub meeting, I could make time for an 
online one (at least my germs won't be spread through that medium).

The Pilgrims Progress Public House, Bedford from 8:00PM or
#beds on irc.lug.org.uk (a member server of irc.blitzed.org) from 8:00PM.

Neil Darlow
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