[Beds] Who's Here?

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Wed Aug 30 20:25:27 BST 2006

Hi All,

> 1. Say Hi! So we know who's here.

Neil Darlow.

> 2. Whereabouts are you?

Sandy. Hello Stewart.

> 3. What's your relationship with Linux? (how did you come to use it,
> what do you use it for, etc)

I've been involved with UN*X systems for over 23 years and GNU/Linux for
10 years. My principle areas of activity are system administration,
system security and application development.

> 4. What's your preferred distribution? (no need to get into why unless
> you really want to, just establishing a demographic!)

No preference, I use what's best for the application/occasion. I've used
Red Hat, Debian, Mandrake, Gentoo and, most recently, Ubuntu.

> 5. What do you hope to get out of being involved with a Linux User
> Group? What sort of things would you like to see the group do?

I think those of you who knew me in my capacity as LUG Master have a
good idea of what I tried to foster in the group. My hopes, for anyone
who wishes to take on the LUG, are a commitment to building an active
community - something which I was unable to fully achieve.

I will stay on this list until my successor is appointed and I will be
happy to pass on the LUG mantle to them.

Neil Darlow

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