[Beds] Who's Here?

Lee Larcombe leelarcombe at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 30 22:59:02 BST 2006

Oops - this got bounced last time 'cause I changed my email. So here it is

> Ok my turn ...
>> 1. Say Hi! So we know who's here.
> Hi, I'm Lee Larcombe
>> 2. Whereabouts are you?
> Shortstown - just south of Bedford
>> 3. What's your relationship with Linux? (how did you come to use it,
>> what do you use it for, etc)
> Started using it out of curiosity - kept using it because it was good. After
> many adventures I now just have a server with 1&1 running RH7.2 and a Dual
> PIII workstation running Ubuntu. The server is for web hosting and the
> workstation is for computational biology. I have to admit though, that I
> generally work on a macBook running OS X Tiger.
>> 4. What's your preferred distribution? (no need to get into why
>> unless you really want to, just establishing a demographic!)
> Used to be a big fan of Mandrake, but switched to Ubuntu and that seems
> perfect so far.
>> 5. What do you hope to get out of being involved with a Linux User
>> Group? What sort of things would you like to see the group do?
> To give support where I can, to get help where you can, and have the odd
> social conversation (beer?)

Lee Larcombe

msn: leelarcombe at hotmail.com

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