[Beds] Website

Stephen Newey stephen at freakymousemats.com
Thu Aug 31 13:04:14 BST 2006

Hi all

Everything's now been changed so I'm the admin for the Beds LUG. Many  
thanks to Neil for all his efforts over the past few years and for  
his advice in taking the reins.

Looking at the mailing list membership, there's well in excess of 50  
addresses registered, which is a promising guide to potential of the  
group. Obviously not everyone will still be in the area or  
necessarily interested, but if the interest has been there in the  
past, I think it's likely there should be even more interest now as  
Linux awareness grows.

The first issues to my mind is how we go about making membership of  
the group more useful for those already here and how we attract new  

I think the first step is building a meaningful web presence. I  
propose to setup a site running Plone (http://plone.org/). For those  
who've not seen it before, it's an incredibly powerful content  
management system that's also becoming easier to use with each new  
version. Editing of content is possible through the web with a  
familiar WYSIWYG editor.

A nice feature of Plone is that each member would be able to maintain  
their own section of the site where you can write articles, post news  
and photos and highlight upcoming events. These items are then easily  
publicised on the main news and events page of the site through a  
simple workflow system.

If you're all happy with this I can get it set up ASAP. If you've got  
a better idea, please say!

Take a look around the Plone site and see if there's any third-party  
modules you think might offer us some useful functionality and float  
your ideas here.

Finally, we need a logo! Send any suggestions or indeed mockups or  
finished logos to the list (you'll need to keep it below 30Kb or so,  
if it's bigger let me know and I'll bump up the message size limit).  
Then we can all decide which we prefer.


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