[Bradford] Ubuntu

Robert Burrell Donkin robertburrelldonkin at gmail.com
Sun Jul 28 10:53:24 UTC 2013

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Alice Kaerast <alice at kaerast.info> wrote:


> Unity and Mir are developed under the Canonical Contributer License
> Agreement (CLA) which means the next version of Ubuntu could hypothetically
> be released under a very restrictive EULA; like MacOSX - free software under
> the hood but a highly restrictive license for the software built on top of
> that.

IANAL but I've read quite a number of CLAs in the past.

This one seems to me very similar to ones used by Apache and other
non-profit open source foundation, and much less like the restrictive
ones used by Apple and Sun in the past. Can anyone else see a clause
that prevents contributors issuing additional licenses for their


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