[Bradford] Task manager that works on Linux desktop OFFLINE

Nick Rhodes nick at ngrhodes.co.uk
Sun Jan 15 09:43:00 UTC 2017


Has anyone found a good desktop app, like todoist, any.do,  wunderlust
or remember the milk that can work offline or can sync eg  (caldav) and
works with Thunderbird/Evolution would be great.
There used to be a connector for remember the milk for Thunderbird -
lightning but is out of maintenance now.
I've found Gmail's tasks is too simplistic, missing all important
ability to repeat tasks.
I terms of requirements, I need to be able to set repeat tasks,
categorise/tag day to day activities, start/end times with reminders and
prioritise (or ordered list). Multiple lists to break into different
project/topics would be useful.

If there is a groupware option that includes Email/Contacts/Calendar
(IMAP/Carddav/Caldav) that is an option.
Quite happy to consider owncloud/nextcloud ona VPS - are they low
maintenance ?

Cheers, Nick

  Nick Rhodes
  nick at ngrhodes.co.uk

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