[Bradford] Today’s meeting

John Robert Hudson j.r.hudson at virginmedia.com
Tue Jul 14 20:00:20 UTC 2020

Hi all

Not sure if this was a local problem but Andrew also said he was having 
problems with the sound. I started using my desktop computer which is 
connected via 5G wifi, then tried my laptop which is connected via 2.4G wifi 
and finally plugged the cable into the laptop but the sound was only 
marginally better with the ethernet plugged in.

As I have not experienced this before with Jitsi which has hitherto been the 
most reliable of the conferencing software I have experienced during lockdown, 
I am somewhat at a loss. I am expecting to take part in another Jitsi meeting 
in the next week or so. So I will see how that goes.

I got enough idea of the main things discussed that I think I can pull 
together a report. But feel free to let me know anything else that you think 
should go in.


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