[Chester LUG] which programming language

George george at goatadsl.co.uk
Wed May 23 18:24:27 UTC 2007

Stuart Burns wrote:
> So I went and broke out the old pascal compiler, and realised it was so 
> 1980s (which is when I last used it ;) ) and that it wouldn't cut it. I 
> need to create an image gallary, but none of the ones availabe either a) 
> Do what we want or b) too flakey/too many "toy" features

I tend to use Python to do pretty much everything these days.

Depending on what it is you're wanting to do exactly you might find 
http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ useful.

Probably a very silly question but you have checked out "Gallery" 
haven't you? Gallery2 has quite a selection of modules available so even 
if it doesn't do what you want out of the box there's potential.


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