[Chester LUG] Tech Talk

Les Pritchard les.pritchard at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 16:17:58 UTC 2009

Hi Ben,

Some good thoughts there.  The plan is for the LUG itself to hopefully have
a tech meet in the next month or so before the install fest planned for
November.  The rooms at the Uni are all fully booked over the summer because
of conferences, so I'm having to wait until the term starts to get another
booking.  (Unless anybody has found another decent venue in Chester?).  As
you have said, keeping stuff simple and useful for the basic user will be
very handy in the install fest.  As for the tech meet - make it as nerdy as
you want!!


2009/8/26 Ben Arnold <iamseawolf at gmail.com>

> Luggers --
> WRT the tech talk/demo, it occurs that the subject of the last one may be a
> bit out of reach for Joe User so I thought that practical real-
> lifeā„¢demonstrations would worth a shot.
> For the sake of keeping things going right, I reckon some could stick to
> showing fairly straightforward things like installing a different desktop
> and
> feeling your way around (showing equivalent GTK, QT, E17 whatever apps),
> getting VirtualBox up and explaining it a bit (showcase/test distros?),
> backing up a Windows box over a network etc. or generally accessing network
> resources...
> While I do think that some complicated stuff should show the power (tempted
> with another ā„¢) those that walk through the door might want stuff that is
> actually *useful*. Also, with this kind of subject, pretty much anyone in
> the
> group could demo something if they had time to prep but crucially could
> understand what was going on to explain it later or help someone that might
> be
> thinking about doing it themselves.
> What ya think?
> Ben
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