[Chester LUG] Looking to learn a language

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 4 20:01:03 UTC 2011

On 04/04/11 18:44, Stuart Burns wrote:
> I just thought I would drop an email to ask for some advice re: programming
> languages to learn. Now that I have time on my hands (at last) I am looking
> to learn  a language that can be used for both web development as well as
> locally on the PC.

1. JavaScript.
   No, seriously, it is a proper language.
   Take a look at:
   (& you can move on to node.js afterwards :)

2. Clojure
   Lisp on the JVM, there's a group meets
   at MadLab to help out :)

> Ideally Object Orientated and beginner friendly (whilst
> appreciating that although I understand objects, I am very much raw at any
> level above that.) That would suggest Java but Java performance, from what I
> read is pretty lackluster.

> Oh and lastly, mainstream and RAD capable :)

3. Python
   Can't get much more mainstream nowadays :-)
   All the good things they say about it are true.

 - Richard (currently re-reading K&R)

[See, I resisted suggesting Io, Haskell, Squeak or Scala,
 I *can* do mainstream when I try ;)]

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