[Chester LUG] Looking to learn a language

Stuart Burns stuart.james.burns at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 20:50:53 UTC 2011

I knew someone would come up with some "odd" ones :)

TBH to my mind, it is just an exercise in seeing what I can do. My day job
is all VMware and Linux infrastructure so I don't get to do any programming
(well powershell for vmware automation but thats about it) I can hack perl
together if I need to.

I can give you an example. I have what I think is a good idea for a website,
but I don't currently have the skills to implement it :)

On 4 April 2011 21:35, Sebastian Arcus <shop at open-t.co.uk> wrote:

> On 04/04/2011 08:53 PM, Richard Smedley wrote:
>> On 04/04/11 18:44, Stuart Burns wrote:
>>> I just thought I would drop an email to ask for some advice re:
>>> programming
>>> languages to learn. Now that I have time on my hands (at last) I am
>>> looking
>>> to learn  a language that can be used for both web development as well as
>>> locally on the PC.
>> 1. JavaScript.
>>    No, seriously, it is a proper language.
>>    Take a look at:
>> http://eloquentjavascript.net/
>>    (&  you can move on to node.js afterwards :)
> In that case, I suppose an option for programming local apps would be the
> XULrunner platform from Mozilla. It is what Firefox and Thunderbird is built
> on. You program the interface in XUL (which is a mark-up language, quite
> easy to understand), and the logic in Javascript. I found it all quite
> interesting, and the multiplatform aspect helps. However, few months ago
> when I tried it, the printing feature was a bit of a major PITA - so I
> started looking elsewhere. I liked most everything else though. It only has
> access to SQLite databases at the moment, but there was talk of implementing
> an ODBC driver which would allow connections to a lot of other RDBMS's
> though.
> Sebastian
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