[Chester LUG] Help required with a bootable linux ISO

Les Pritchard les.pritchard at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 19:07:45 UTC 2014

Yes one of those should work. If not, what about a real basic option. Boot
up from a USB / CD live system then just insert a second USB stick with the
files on it and run the binary from there. Or have I missed something?

On 30 Jan 2014 19:01, "Ben Arnold" <BenArnold at fsfe.org> wrote:

> I'd imagine the micro ones like Puppy or Slax if you can add to the root
> filesystem as you build the ISO, rather than having to create a package and
> add it to a build list to get included.
> The first one that jumps to my mind is SliTaz, which you can just unpack
> the root filesystem, add arbitary files then re-pack it, before making the
> ISO.
> http://doc.slitaz.org/en:handbook:hacklivecd
> Be warned though that a few years ago when I used it, I found that some
> binaries/scripts needed altering because it's so barebones that uses
> BusyBox and not the full Gnu tools (things like cp had some ever-so
> slightly different flags!) but that may not be a problem of the update
> thing if it's an executable?
> Hope the first para helps if the rest doesn't!
> --
> Ben Arnold
> Liverpool, UK
> Free Software Foundation (Europe)
> e: benarnold at fsfe.org | ben at seawolfsanctuary.com
> w: seawolfsanctuary.com | chat: benarnold at jabber.fsfe.org
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