[Chester LUG] LUG meet

Thomas Prophett thomas at thomasprophett.co.uk
Thu Mar 27 09:14:12 UTC 2014

Hi Les

I'll be up for a virtual meet.

On 26 March 2014 13:24, Les Pritchard <les.pritchard at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> The next LUG meet is scheduled for tomorrow evening. Unfortunately we
> can't use Steve's offices, although he is offering to host us sometime in
> the next week or two. So I suggest that we try out the virtual meet
> tomorrow. We have a couple of different options so we could also experiment
> with them as part of the meet-up. If you'd like to join the virtual meet
> then can you let me know as I'll probably have to invite you individually
> for some systems including Google Hangouts.
> I'm going to be later getting back tomorrow evening so could we start at 8?
> Les
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