[Chester LUG] Major LUG Changes

Stuart Burns stuart at newlymintedmedia.com
Mon Mar 12 18:36:31 UTC 2018

Hey Les,

Refreshing it all is a really good idea. One other positive you failed to mention is there are no clashes with the nudists in the life drawing class or cyclists. :)



On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 5:44 PM +0000, "Les Pritchard via Chester" <chester at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:

Hi all,
I have some big news about changes to the LUG. Chester LUG has been meeting monthly since I set it up back in 2006 and we have had a good run. The group has brought in many people over the years and we've had a huge variety of discussions and talks over that time. Over recent years the group has seen a steady core of members, but not the numbers we'd hoped for. Some of that may be due to a lack of a good venue for talks in recent times, but I believe that more of an impact has been the changes in technology and Linux use in that time. Back in 2006, Linux was still seen as on the fringe by many people and organisations. It therefore made sense to form a special interest group to unite people with knowledge of the OS. Fast forward to 2017 and most people are familiar with Linux, mainly thanks to cloud computing. Granted I still meet the odd IT support company who refer to "That freeware Ligh-nux stuff", but there's very little you can do for them :-)
Over recent years the topic of conversation in the LUG has been far wider than Linux, or even open source. About a year ago I floated the idea of expanding the group to attract more members and after discussions in further meetings, core members agreed changes needed to be made. 
So, the outcome of all this has been the decision to stop the monthly LUG meets and replace them with a new group called 'Chester Tech'. The new group will have talks on a whole variety of topics and should attract a lot more members. The first group meet up will be on the 27th March at the Bridge Inn on Tarvin Road. I'd love to see as many of you there as possible to wave the Linux flag! You can join the new group and register for the event at: https://www.meetup.com/Chester-tech-meetup/. Even if you can't make it this month, please register and you'll be updated on all future events.
The LUG isn't closing and I will keep the mailing list online for Linux specific discussions. The new group will definitely include talks on Linux / open source, so that won't be lost.
Thanks everyone for your support of the LUG over the years and I hope to see you at the new group or hear from you on this mailing list.

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