[Colchester] Gutsy Release Party

Jai Harrison jai at jaiharrison.com
Thu Oct 11 14:39:33 BST 2007

With the launch of Gutsy Gibbon (Ubuntu) there are some parties around
the country. The big ones seem to be in Birmingham and London. Should
we attend the London party or have our own? I'd like to know what
peoples' thoughts on the matter are.

Here's a few things to consider:

<-> If we attend the London party we will need forms of transport to
get to and from London. Train services back to Colchester probably
don't run much later than 10PM (the last one I can get, living in
Dovercourt, is 10:30PM).

<-> If we run our own we need to *run* it instead of just going to the
hole in the wall and drinking. We'll have to do something different
and special to mark the occasion. Copies of the Gutsy Gibbon CD are a
must (so download at release, burn and bring some along) and we can
hand them out to people who don't have the bandwidth to download the
ISO, don't have the tools to burn the disc and just general people we
bump into.

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