[cumbria_lug] Introduction

Keith Abraham keith at keithabrahm.port995.com
Sat Jan 28 13:14:09 GMT 2006

Hi everyone

   I've just moved (16 Dec) to Flimby near Maryport from Plymouth
in Devon and thought I'd introduce myself.

    I've been playing about with computers since the days of the
Acorn System 1 in 1979 and first ran a Linux kernel (no GUI and no
application software!) on an Atari Falcon.

    After experiencing various versions of MS Windows both at
work and at home I came to the conclusion that Unix was
potentially the more powerful and secure system. So after a
brief period of dual booting W98 and SuSE 6.4 on my home
machine I ditched Windows in favour of a totally GNU/Linux system.
For those that are interested the only application I really miss
is Steinberg's Cubase.

     Since then I've tried various distros eventually settling on a
Debian installation as I felt it best typified my concept of
computing freedom. At the moment I'm running the Debian based
Kanotix 2005-4 which I find suits my needs ie. good hardware
detection and easy installation plus a very nice collection of config

    I've been a subscriber to the Devon & Cornwall LUG since 2001
and like many in the DCLUG, have been philosophically and actively
committed to the promotion of the Free Software movement. I still
try to do my bit when necessary although now that I'm retired my
input is somewhat restricted and the wife's need to redecorate
our new home doesn't help.

    I was somewhat surprised to how little activity there is in the
mailing list archives. DCLUG seems a hotbed of activity in
comparison to the Cumbrian LUG (> 500 posts over the past month
including the Christmas period). I can only suppose this reflects the
greater population density in the large cities of Plymouth and Exeter
over those of the Cumbrian cities and to the numerous small software
companies in the South West region.
    In my experience increasing the GNU/Linux user base is never easy but
I would suggest that something needs to be done in the Cumbrian area.
The only converts I have ever achieved have come from providing copies
of Live CDs (eg.Knoppix) especially when the popular press reports on
the lack of Internet security. It seems that most people now use their PC
mainly for surfing and online shopping and are persuaded to move to
applications which are promoted as offering greater security eg Firefox
as opposed MS Internet Explorer.  Those who have switched to such
applications can often be persuaded of the inherent security of Linux and
use it for accessing the Internet. Getting GNU/Linux on their machines
is all I can do. The rest I leave up to them.

    Well now back to the decorating before the wife starts shouting!


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