[cumbria_lug] Introduction

Jen Phillips jen at phillipsuk.org
Sun Jan 29 19:07:22 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 13:08 +0000, Keith Abraham wrote:
> Hi everyone
>    I've just moved (16 Dec) to Flimby near Maryport from Plymouth
> in Devon and thought I'd introduce myself.

Hello, there. Always good to welcome new people to the list, even if it
is just in passing (if you've read through the archives, you may have
noticed that Russ and I are in the process of moving away).

> For those that are interested the only application I really miss
> is Steinberg's Cubase.

You're not the only one. There is some talk in LUGRadio
(www.lugradio.org) circles of putting together a decent open source
equivalent, but it's a long, slow road.
>     I was somewhat surprised to how little activity there is in the
> mailing list archives. 
> ...the Cumbrian cities...

Well, you see, here's your problem. Cumbria only has one city
(Carlisle), and that's not very big in terms of population. The rest of
the county is, as I'm sure you're discovering, incredibly sparsely
populated. It makes getting much of anything organised very difficult.
Meet are sporadic and attendance is usually between three and ten.

>     In my experience increasing the GNU/Linux user base is never easy but
> I would suggest that something needs to be done in the Cumbrian area.

We keep thinking about getting some Ubuntu CDs in the local computer
shops with CumbriaLUG info stickers on them, but somehow we've never got
round to doing it. Perhaps we should actually get that sorted?



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