[dundee] Commitee Candidates

Keir Lawson dundee at lists.lug.org.uk
Wed May 14 13:58:15 2003

>>Committee responsibilites are as below (quoted from the constitution),
>>but basically the committee will run everything relating to the LUG.
>>   3. Committee
>>         1. The Committee shall run the society on behalf of the
>>            members, pursuant to the objectives of this constitution.
>>         2. Committee decisions shall be decided by way of a majority
>>            vote.
>>         3. The quorum for all votes held by the Committee shall be
>>            three members.
>>         4. The Committee shall elect a Chairman from amongst its
>>            members. The Chairman may use his casting vote when a
>>            Committee Vote is otherwise tied.
>>         5. The Committee may appoint members of the group to named
>>            positions (eg. Treasurer, Electoral Officer, etc.) for a
>>            term of not longer than one year. There is no limit to the
>>            number of terms that any one person may serve in such a
>>            role, however.

In what fashion shall this commitee be elected.  It strikes me as a bit 
early to elect a comitee as most of us bearly know each other.  also if 
voting is done on the mailing list surley that will favour the 
candidates who are most vocal on the mailing list.
