[dundee] regarding the webtrust talk last night

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Tue Jan 13 19:34:28 GMT 2004

On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 07:15:12PM +0000, Keir Lawson wrote:
> would somebody mind telling me what was discussed and what conclusions
> were reached?

We got a talk about webtrust which helps charities in Dundee with
computer bits and about why Free Software would be good for charities
but why there isn't much take up.

Some discussion about various programmes and distributions which would
be good (OpenOffice because it's cheaper than MS Office but no Access
replacement, Mozilla for security, full GNU/Linux install for file
server and maybe even client especially if they get older machines;
not Lindows, Mandrake or Debian).

Hopefully we'll get a copy of the slides for the website.

Colin volunteered to draft an article which I imagine would be along
the lines of: We are TLUG, we can offer Free Software on Windows
machines which you want because... we can offer GNU/Linux on servers
which you want because... and we can offer GNU/Linux on clients which
you want because...  Hopefully that would go on webtrust's website and

I can't remember what else was decided.  If we do manage to start
offering useful work to charities that would make Dundee LUG the most
active user group in the country!

Someone mentioned a wiki, I have one at http://kde.me.uk should it be

I was also asked about Object Orientated diagramming programmes for
Unix, and I have one here: http://uml.sf.net  (new version coming out
with KDE 3.2).

T'was a shame that not many people went to the pub afterwards, it
would be good to get to know some of the people better.

Jonathan Riddell

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