[dundee] regarding the webtrust talk last night

Robert Shand bob at shand.org.uk
Tue Jan 13 19:36:39 GMT 2004

 > would somebody mind telling me what was discussed and what conclusions
 > were reached?

Yep I said I'd do this, but I've been busy since the meet.

As has already been said, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank 
Angie for coming to talk to us yesterday evening.  I'd also like to say 
that it was good to see a couple of new faces!

As for what was discussed, these are the points that I can remember 
(please feel free to add things that I have forgotten and correct me if 
I'm wrong)

1) Lack of understanding what GNU/Linux is within the charity sector and 
how it could potentially help. (eg save money on license fees, make use 
of that old donated box)

2) Lack of good (non technical!!!) documentation for various programs 
and distributions.  For those of you that read the training material 
Angie passsed around it was clear that no or very little computer 
knowledge can be assumed.

3) Discussed the possibility of providing Live CD's so that charities 
could see what types of programs are on offer.

4) Discussed plans to get a draft letter to be put into the local news 
letter for Dundee charities.

5) Possibility of use getting out collective skills down somewhere, so 
we can see what services we could provide.

6) Talked about providing support for people who begin to use GNU/Linux 
at charities.  It was mentioned that we could maybe use IRC to provide 

I can't think of much more off the top of my head, and I'm sure I've 
missed something out :)


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