[dundee] LAMP Developer Wanted

azmodie azmodie at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 14:20:43 BST 2008

Obama Campaign Seeks LAMP
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that
kgamiel writes "The Obama campaign's CTO is hiring LAMP-biased geeks for the
Boston office to help elect the Senator in the fall. This got me to
wondering, what if he instead announced a SourceForge project toward the
same end? What would such a project look like? Tools that both sides could
use 'equally' would not achieve the desired end. And philosophically, could
the Open Source community support one side in a competition such as this?
What other issues does this raise?" Another reader notes that the Obama
campaign is also searching for a security expert to plug the holes that
allowed a hacker to redirect Obama's site (Linux/Apache hosted by GoDaddy)
to Hillary Clinton's (Windows/IIS hosted by Rackspace).


Read more of this



Some Interesting questions. What would be the effect of FLOSS community
sponsoring a political Election candidate ?
Would this support bolster support against software patents ?
Would it be a intresting battle ground of FLOSS against Proprietary Business

Umbrella Corporation :-
"They are the fear within all of that there is a company. The Corporation
controlling everything that is Umbrella.
A combination of Microsoft and the US Military. At some level there is a
board of directors who meet once a
month and decide all of our fates."
-- Jeremy Bolt - Producer - Resident Evil : Apocalypse
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