[dundee] gentoo for beginners

Lee Hughes toxicnaan at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jun 1 14:30:37 BST 2008

How many Gentoo users does it take to change a light bulb?

Ahhhhh, it's not THAT dark in here!


Greatest joke ever...

Guy goes to visit a friend in hospital, when he gets there, he is
bandaged from head to foot, on a life support machine.

'So, Gentoo what the hell happened to you'

'emerge -world'


okay, I like the fact the gentoo exists, and it's good fun to keep old machines
cpu's busy by compiling stuff all day. I'd say for server stuff it's okay, forget any
desktop business, you'll end up just compiling firefox all day, and not actually using it :-(.

I'd say gentoo is one up from Linux from scratch, and one down from something
like slackware or archlinux.


Rice Crispies...

Rick Moynihan <rick.moynihan at gmail.com> wrote: 2008/5/29  :
>>                How much space should I designate for all
>>                gentoo partitions ?
> Really depends on the system, what it's going to be doing, the size of the
> drives available.
> Generally speaking, here's what I have for my Gentoo system:
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda6             2.7G  833M  1.8G  33% /
> /dev/hda2             3.8G  2.3G  1.5G  61% /usr
> /dev/hda3             1.9G  1.4G  369M  80% /var
> /dev/hdc4              23G   22G  227M  99% /home
> That's a machine that's been running as a server for a while without
> really being watched.  Note that my /home partition is on a separate disc,
> so that's really down to you.
> Generally I'd say:
> 2   GB for /
> 4-6 GB for /usr
> 2-5 GB for /var (I've found this can fill up rather quick)
> Not to forget /boot which should be on a separate partion, this can be in
> the regions of 16MB.
> Go by the Gentoo Handbook for more general advice on this, it's a while
> since I've installed.
> Anyone please feel free to build on this.

Yes, Gentoo can eat disk space if you're not careful.  I ran (and
loved Gentoo) for over two years, but be wary of it filling up /var
and /usr/portage.

If you're vigilant you can probably get away with the suggested
amounts, but if you have the space I'd allocate a fair bit more for
both /var and /usr.  Downloading and compiling all that source eats up
disk, and whilst you can always safely remove the files, sometimes
it's just an extra thing to worry about.


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