[dundee] google cmd line search

azmodie azmodie at gmail.com
Sat Jun 7 18:13:33 BST 2008


The unofficial google shell.

This google-interface behaves similar to a unix-shell.
You type commands and the results are shown on this page.


A command-line Google search utility
What is it?
Goose (GOOge SEarch) allows you to search Google's index of the Internet
from the command line. You run Goose, giving it your list of search terms,
and it presents a list of search results using an easy to navigate Curses
display in your terminal. You can then select a search result to open in
your web browser.

" Great for the cmd line junky "

Umbrella Corporation :-
"They are the fear within all of that there is a company. The Corporation
controlling everything that is Umbrella.
A combination of Microsoft and the US Military. At some level there is a
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month and decide all of our fates."
-- Jeremy Bolt - Producer - Resident Evil : Apocalypse
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