[dundee] Video displays - (was Re: First they ignore you...)

Andrew Clayton andrew at digital-domain.net
Fri Sep 12 10:46:13 UTC 2008

On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 11:05:03 +0100, Rick Moynihan wrote:

> I'm not entirely sure what the plan is, but a few of you have talked
> about having videos playing on a loop.  May I ask how we plan to do
> this?  I suspect it'll be possible to assemble a repeating playlist in
> miro (previously the democracy player).  If I remember correctly miro
> can play flash videos as well as the common formats supported by
> mplayer/vlc etc...  What's the planned setup here?

mplayer -fs -loop 0  *

Doesn't get much more simpler than that!

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