[dundee] Open Curatorial Practice

Colin Brough Colin.Brough at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jan 30 12:02:42 UTC 2009

Donna Holford-Lovell wrote:
>    4. Besides in a software engineering world, can the Cathedral and the
> Bazaar be seen any where else? or could it be applied to something else?

I'd guess there is something close in one or two stock photography
sites - eg http://www.sxc.hu/ - its definitely a gift culture, with
status within the community ascribed to contributors of technical
brilliance and to those who contribute most to the community. There is
peer review (the approval of images process before upload is done by
volunteers.) Images from there are often used on
http://www.deviantart.com/ as people produce artwork.




Rev Colin Brough
Fintry Parish Church of Scotland, Dundee
Scottish Charity Number: SC020742

Colin Brough                             Colin.Brough at blueyonder.co.uk

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