[dundee] GNOME Census - Who Writes GNOME & the start of a Flame War

Andrew Clayton andrew at digital-domain.net
Sun Aug 1 21:47:05 UTC 2010

On Sun, 1 Aug 2010 22:11:58 +0100, Kris Davidson wrote:

> To prevent from being interpreted as a fanboy I preface this by saying
> I prefer Debian, I try Ubuntu every release and I personally think
> they started going wrong after Gutsy.
> Now I realise Tso basically invented Ext4 but that's kind of an
> asshole comment to make, and I'm not sure how much of it is related
> to:
> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/317781 and
> http://lwn.net/Articles/322823/ where he basically tried to avoid
> fixing something but then had to.

Ah yes I remember that. Basically Ubuntu users hitting a problem when
they're machine locked up due to exiting an OpenGL game using the binary
nvidia drivers. Classic!

In fact after that, Linus changed the default ext3 journal mode from
ordered to writeback (less resiliant to problems, but more

> I see nothing wrong with what Kees Cook did, even if he is employed by
> Canonical. He has responded with his reasoning
> http://www.outflux.net/blog/archives/2010/05/17/yay-for-barriers/
> I feel there's a certain anti-Ubuntu and Canonical vibe in the wider
> FLOSS community. They both make bad decisions and do things wrong in

Right, because of everything that's been mentioned.

I think basically he was just a bit naive and made a mistake in filling
a bug in the Red Hat/fedora bugzilla (why choose Fedora and not say,
Mandriva? I could give a cynical answer here...)

If I find a bug in the Fedora kernel, I don't think. Hmm lets see if
it's there in Ubuntu. I'll try a kernel.org kernel (which I always run
on my workstations anyway) and if it's there also, file a bug upstream,
if not file a bug in Red Hat/Fedora bugzilla.
> my opinion but the sneering responses I've seen on blogs and comments
> really aren't the way to go. The Kernel team in particular seem to
> dislike Ubuntu/Canonical. I think since they've tried and failed in
> the past they've just let go of trying to get some things adopted
> upstream.

As I mentioned earlier that seems to be changing with the likes of YAMA
and AppArmor.


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