[dundee] Chip and Pin payments - Consumer Rights when there's an error...

gordon dunlop zubenel at fedoraproject.org
Wed Jun 9 23:27:14 UTC 2010

On 9 June 2010 23:54, Rick Moynihan <rick.moynihan at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 9 June 2010 19:04, gordon dunlop <zubenel at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> >
> >  I remembered reading an article a few years ago about supermarket
> > databases, I recalled it from my own news article database. It was in
> 2006,
> > and was about  Wal-Mart and its store operations. It was stated that the
> > Wal-Mart database updates a billion rows a day or approximately 11,600
> rows
> > a second ( a bit of trivia).
> >
> >
> http://www.informationweek.com/news/global-cio/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=175801775
> Yeah, those guys are good... but they're still small fry compared to
> the Google behemoth.
> There latest announcement
> "Caffeine takes up nearly 100 million gigabytes of storage in one
> database and adds new information at a rate of hundreds of thousands
> of gigabytes per day. You would need 625,000 of the largest iPods to
> store that much information; if these were stacked end-to-end they
> would go for more than 40 miles."
> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/06/our-new-search-index-caffeine.html
> I was slightly shocked to discover yesterday I pastied an error
> message and stacktrace on github...  5 minutes later I googled the
> error message to see if anyone else had run into my problem before....
> I was more than a little shocked (and very impressed) to find the
> number first google result was the message I posted just 5 minutes
> earlier....  It's really scary how far ahead of the game google are.
> If you'll permit me a little hyperbole.... in 50 years, will Google be
> the one global government, the only company left??  Could they employ
> the worlds population??  Or will they manage it in just 20 years?
> Consider that Google now have their own trading floor - to manage
> their capital investments... I'm betting that Google know better than
> anyone else what to invest in!  Even more so than the giant vampire
> squid, Goldman Sachs...
> http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/10_23/b4181033582670.htm
> Is this a distopian or utopian future.... hmmm....
>  At least Google is dumping the Windows shit.



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