[dundee] Meeting Details - 5th May 2011 : Introduction to SSH

Ryan Ward ry.ward91 at gmail.com
Thu May 5 00:57:36 UTC 2011

Firstly apologies,

It is very rare I miss a meeting but when I do it appears it is of epic
proportion. I was due to be giving one of those president candidate talks
and would have liked to be there in person to give the talk however I am
stranded south of the border for a number of reasons and therefore cannot

The slides are available from the following URL along with a brief ~script.

Presentation in pdf format

~Script (note: script lacks charisma)

apologies and thanks,

Ryan Ward

On 3 May 2011 15:42, Arron 'Finux' Finnon <finux at finux.co.uk> wrote:

>  Kris thanks for that.
> In addition to Kris's superb talk, i would remind everyone that next year's
> president candidates will be giving a < 10 minute talk(s) on their plans for
> the society if elected.
> So in the usual lecture theatre as we're normally in, meet up for 6.45.  If
> your late i'm sure one of the nice security guards will show you the right
> way.
> Catch you all on Thursday
> Finux
> On 03/05/11 13:28, azmodie wrote:
>  Meeting Details - 5th May 2011 : Introduction to SSH
> by Kris Findlay
> SSH also known as Secure Socket Handler :
> In this talk I will be explaining some of the different uses of SSH and
> will give some great examples of how SSH can be used.
>    - Allows people to securely transfer files in many ingenious way.
>    - It also allows control of remote machines whereby remote applications
>    can be run locally
>    - Can also secure your internet while using wifi hotspots
>    - Securely mount a directory on a remote server as a file system on a
>    computer to be used locally
>    - Create Tunnels through the internet and internal networks
>    - Forward Ports from remote machine to your localhost
> Hope to see you all at the meeting.
> If you cant make meeting we will be in the counting house for a few beers
> and a chat from around 8pm
>  Kris Findlay
> Azmodie
> http://www.the-os.org.uk
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> --
> Arron "finux" Finnon
> Finux.co.uk - Twitter.com/f1nux - facebook.com/finux
> PGP: http://finux.co.uk/finux.asc
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Ryan Ward
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