[Nelug] Talk at Oct 13th meeting

Aidan Delaney adelaney at cs.may.ie
Sun Oct 3 13:13:48 UTC 2004

Hey all,
	I've noticed that there is no subject for the talk on Wednesday October
13th.  There are a number of topics that I could talk about off the top
of my head these are:
	* Free Software, the philosophy
	* Document processing using LaTeX
	* Source and configuration management using GNUArch
	* Gnome development in C#
If one of those topics should interest NELUG members, and if the
speakers slot is still free, I'd happily give a talk.
Aidan Delaney   email: adelaney at cs.may.ie
                web:   http://www.cs.may.ie/~adelaney
                gpg:   http://www.cs.may.ie/~adelaney/public_key.asc
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