[Nelug] Rowing Club

Richard Mortimer richm at oldelvet.org.uk
Mon Jul 2 20:56:25 UTC 2007

All (and Richard P in particular),

The rebuilding of the rowing club is progressing well and the builders
have now confirmed that the building will be officially handed over to
the club next monday (9th July). This doesn't mean that the building is
finished and fully usable but it does mean that the club can start
moving its stuff back in.

I don't know if the building will be in a suitable condition for the
July NELUG meeting but it will likely be for the August meeting worst

Next steps...the LUG (Richard P?) needs to write to Barry Hudson the
Rowing Club Secretary and request use of the building. It would be good
to do that this week because the club committee meets early next week.


P.S. It isn't clear at present but the LUG might be able to use the
internet connection that the school classroom in the building gets. I've
still got to find that out (along with the  Rowing Clubs own use of the
connection - LEA rules and all that!)

Richard Mortimer <richm at oldelvet.org.uk>

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