[Durham] Small graphics issue with Nvidia drivers

Barry Titterton titterton.barry at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 16:12:35 UTC 2014


I have recently converted a desk top machine from XP to Unbuntu but have 
a small problem with the graphics during start up.

The machine has a legacy Nvidia graphics card (6800LE). I installed 
Ubuntu 13.10 as the only OS on the machine. The installer used the 
Nouveau graphics driver as the default for the Nvidia card but it gave 
problems so I used Software & Updates > Additional Drivers to change to 
the propriety nvidia-304-updates driver.

The problem is when I start the machine, after the BIOS text screen, the 
screen now goes black with only the following two lines of text on the 

Ubuntu 13.10 <name> tty1
<name> login:

(Where <name> is the ID of the machine)

I then wait for approx 30 seconds, without touching the keyboard, and 
the machine will eventually go to the normal log-in screen. I can then 
log-in to Unity as normal, and everything works fine.

So you will see that this pause at the tty1 screen is more of an 
annoyance than a problem. It also gives a poor impression to people that 
I am trying to convert to Ubuntu. I have tried Google but all of the 
issues that I have found refer to a total loss of display rather that 
this temporary pause during boot. Can anyone suggest a way of stopping 
this pause?

Barry T

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