[Falkirk] Hi - and Interesting Kit likely to come up for sale...
Scott Fraser
falkirk at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Sep 28 12:05:01 2002
I'm going down to do a proper appraisal tomorrow but off the top of my
head I can recall 6 x RS6000 370/390's, 1 x Sun SPARC w/station, 1 HP
something or other, a few large IBM weird and old boxes, a Magstar 3570,
a boxed AIX v4.2 (still sealed) and a whole host of monitors and
peripherals. They also have about 30 PC's ranging from P166 to PII 500
ish with various CD writers and bits and bobs like printers.
I'd be interested in one of the better PC's depending on spec and
price. When you have more details could you let me know?
I'm also interested in the Sun SPARC, but won't take it as I can't
justify buying it even to myself other than as an expensive toy ;-)