[Falkirk] Next Meeting

Robert Lazzurs falkirk at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Aug 30 13:22:00 2003

On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 16:47, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Time:7:00
> Date:Thursday 4 September 2003

Excellent, this is the first in a while, I will be there.

Take care - RL

MSN:lazzurs@everybuddy.com	|"All that is etched in stone
Yahoo:admroblaz AIM:admroblaz	|is truly only scribbled in
ICQ:66324927			|sand" - RL
Jabber:admroblaz@jabber.org	|Join Eff http://www.eff.org
e-mail:lazzurs@lazzurs.myftp.org|Take care all - Rob Laz