[Glastonbury] award-winning ~ spam

Andrew M.A. Cater glastonbury at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Aug 10 20:52:00 2003


If Steve can get Spamassassain implemented at uklinux.net level - fine.

If he can't - _you_ can implement SA for yourself on your own incoming 
mail.  You still don't need to see the spam. [You may occasionally
want to run a quick check for false positives, though].

If you don't want spam - you are, unfortunately, probably too late.
Your mail address is on most posts.  Your name is also on them.

Spambots will harvest them and may use them against you :(

The correct response is not to restrict posting to subscribers only:
the spambots will still harvest any mail list archives for addresses,
potentially.  The correct response is to filter out spam on a personal
basis and then go like hell against every ISP who permits their 
customers to run open relays / send spam.  This could include your own
ISP, for example, and it's no accident that one of the latest Windows 
viruses is specifically targetted so that innocent parties effectively
rebroadcast spam and porn.

Spam is a nuisance - but putting up an illusory/nugatory barrier won't 
help here
[As any Australian can tell you, putting up a small fence to keep out
little inoffensive bunny rabbits was bad enough :( ]

All the above IMHO and YMMV
