[Glastonbury] meeting

steve steve at fractalsoup.org
Mon Sep 27 18:16:34 BST 2004

steve wrote:

> In order to get to room 2 we all need to go into the main building,
> go to the main foyer and the staff their

oops i meant "there"

> will help you find the way.
> just follow the penguins...
> originally we were going to look at blender and gimp 2.
> i am happy to do this if people want, however i will be using the 
> tutorials from the website http://www.blender3d.org/
> to familiarise myself so it will not be a "led" workshop, rather a 
> chance to get to know the program.
> gimp 2 can only be demonstrated with the laptop via the projector. 
> again i am happy to look at this if people want.
> room 2 now has this facility as well as 30 Linux Machines and the 3 
> main LTSP servers for use!
> interestingly we have had some real problems migrating the old NT 
> profiles on the windows network over to Linux.
> we have tried to keep the old curriculum network running to allow the 
> windows dependent teachers (and believe me they are many) able to 
> access their comfort blankets but NT just does not want to know 
> anything else other than NT. winXP is better able to work with Samba.
> in the short term to allow users access to the workstations we put in 
> the linux boot-rom cards in the NT machines so we now have a total of  
> 15 + 30 + 21 +1 = 67 machines running Linux as Thin/Mid Clients.

i got this wrong, it is 15 + 30 + 21 + 18 + 1 = 85!

> I am putting together an estimate of what it would take to upgrade the 
> network to windows 2003 server as well as winXP Pro workstations with 
> MSOffice 2003 and Photoshop, Macromedia Suite. i know i can use this 
> to put a paper together for governors and the staff to argue for the 
> school to go whole-linux-curriculum-network.
> the main cost to the school will be training.
> food for thought.
> wednesday 7 - 9pm room2 it is then.
> see you then,
> regards,
> steve.l_c
> peter.t.cole at lineone.net wrote:

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