[Glastonbury] A query please re Epson C82 printer and Gimp
Martin Wheeler
mwheeler at startext.co.uk
Tue Jan 11 16:49:54 GMT 2005
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 info at wccl.co.uk wrote:
[Ros -- I've now added the 'info at wccl' address to the list of those
addresses we accept mail from -- you originally subscribed under your own
name, not 'info' -- msw, moderator]
> The printer works fine but for one intractable issue I've wrestled with for
> months. If there is a problem with a print job, I can't persuade the computer
> to cancel it.
[with your printer switched OFF, given the problem you describe]
Open up a text terminal (if in X, hit Alt+F1 or Alt+F2. A text-only
terminal will open up. When finished, to get back to X, hit Alt+F7.)
Type: lpq [Enter] # 'line printer queue'
A list of all your print jobs will be shown, with a number beside each.
To cancel a specific job, type lprm <jobNo> [Enter] # 'lp remove job'
To cancel all print jobs, type lprm * [Enter] # 'lp remove all'
> Epson help line told me they know nothing about Linux and can't help much.
Typical. You should have told them that in that case you weren't going to
buy their products until such time as they get their collective ass in
Remember, YOU are the buyer. THEY are just the market-stall owners trying
to flog their shoddy goods and services.
> They told me to disconnect the printer completely from computer
> and power and then cancel the job.
Obviously a bunch of windows-wallies.
("If problem, hit big red switch, then start over")
> lpq in command line will always say there are no print jobs even when the
> printer is churning out gibberish.
But what does it say when you turn the printer off?
> Another small query. When I have tried to print say a jpg from Gimp, the
> printer doesn't print the picture but instead interminable numbers of close
> printed pages of code (yet another kind of print job I can't cancel!!) Is
> there something else I should do in Gimp in order to print the picture than
> the simple "print"?
Have you got foomatic and gimp-print installed?
(try 'locate foomatic | less' and 'locate gimp-print | less' from the
command line.)
> I haven't noticed if Gimp prints other types of file such as png.
With gimp-print installed, it will.
[PS -- It always helps to let us know: machine, CPU, memory, OS, etc.]
Martin Wheeler - StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
mwheeler at startext.co.uk http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
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