[Glastonbury] chat room

Martin Biggs glastonburylug at kasamhor.co.uk
Mon Jan 31 13:01:56 GMT 2005

Steve wrote:

> This is exactly what I want to encourage amongst our userlist as a lot 
> of members listen in but are unable to attend meetings.
> Cheers Martin,
> I'll stop by 2 morro' evening.

Hi people,
    Can I have some thoughts (at least on the idea of) on the irc 
channel please.  So far, besides me, we have only had 4 visitors.

     These were: Rick Fitzsimmons, Phil wood, Greg Brown and somebody 
called 'al' who visited over weekend when I was at work.  Not sure who 
he/she is yet though.

It appears that people new to Linux or our user group want to use it, 
but the regulars do not? 

If people do not think it is a good idea, please let me know now and I 
will stop wasting my time.

If anybody does want to pop in for a chat, I am logged into the channel 
most of the time, I'm not necessarily looking at the computer though.  I 
do check every now and again to see if anybody is visiting, so please be 

Going to bed for a while now, been at work since 07:30 on Friday.



P.S. I will not be at the meet on Wednesday as I am working again.  See 
you all next month.

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